Thursday, September 26, 2013

Homework Assignment

How to Ruin a Great Design
I agree with the article.  Design is a matter of interpretation, but when it comes to items that are unsafe, unethical or don’t work properly, then that’s a different story.  Traffic signs are probably one of the items that you don’t want to have poor design.  Drivers become accustomed to the layout and design of traffic signs that even a minor change like a capitalizing one letter could make it unsafe for them. Changing design or advertisement is very hard for some people to accept.  I know when they got rid of Gus (the second most famous groundhog in Pennsylvania (lottery) they made a lot of people very angry.  Some people even stopped buying lottery tickets.  Sometimes leaving a design as it was meant to be and not changing it, is a good thing.  I say, “If it isn’t broke, don’t fix it.” 

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